Кентервильское привидение
Дата проведения:
Время начала:
11.00 Место проведения:
Большая Никитская, 47, стр.2 Цена билета:
1000 через сайт или в кассе
Единственный в Москве детский театр на английском языке Flying Banana Children’s Theatre представляет спектакль «Кентервильское привидение».
Бессмертная классика Оскара Уайльда, сказка о морали XX века, о современности, традиции и любви, преодолевающей страх.
Наша версия этой истории будет рассказана в очень доступной для детей и интерактивной форме, с оригинальными песнями и пантомимой.
Билеты можно купить в кассе ЕКЦ на Никитской.
“When a golden girl can win
Prayer from out the lips of sin,
When the barren almond bears,
And a little child gives away its tears,
Then shall all the house be still
And peace come to Canterville.'
Canterville ghost by Oscar Wilde is a spooky investigation of love and culture. In one sense it's about England and America; "Two cultures divided by a common language" - it is also a coming of age tale about a young girl on the verge of womanhood, as well as being an eternal mystery with metaphysical connotations "Love is stronger than death."
The Flying Banana version of this classic tale is full of great original music and slapstick clowning as well as some more lyrical and poignant episodes and is therefore only suitable for children from 7 years old. It would be advisable to familiarize your child with the story (a synopsis is available on request) before attending the show. The story will be told in a very accessible and interactive manner with dance, mime and clowning but little children might find the ghost scary and the themes of love and redemption could go over the heads of younger ones.