Contacts: +7 (495) 787-45-60, +7 (495) 787-45-67

Address: Moscow, 47 bld. 2, Bolshaya Nikitskaya St.

Opening hours: 9:00 a.m. to 9 p.m. Closed: on Saturdays


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To the Day of Independence of the State of Israel Feast for the whole family

"Very Strange Country: Imaginary journey to Israel"

Our guide: Linor Goralik

In honor of the Independence Day of the State of Israel, poet and writer Linor Goralik will hold a celebration for the whole family "Very Strange Country." Linor Goralik - author of the book "Guide to Israel, exclusively for children" will go with the young guests on the imaginary journey to Israel, present new chapters of the guidebook and help children to prepare for themselves and for their parents Real Israeli Lunch.

Age of the participants: 0+

Ticket price: 300 rubles (adults), 150 rubles (children)


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