Choose the event, tickets for which are available for purchase online. Next to the selected event, press
buy ticket
In the window that appears, fill in the order ticket required fields.
Put down the desired number of tickets. Separately, note the number of tickets for adults, children (discount), students (at a discount) and seniors (discount).
Please note that if you enter the venue must provide proof of the right to a discount (student ID card or pension card).
Enter the contact information - name, phone, e-mail.
Check the number and cost of tickets. Press
To make a payment to the page of payment aggregator Platron. Select the method of payment.
Please note that the fee is determined by the payment system. To the right of each payment option is manual.
Банковские карты (VISA, MasterCard)
Платежные терминалы (к нам подключены все основные терминальные сети, ключая QIWI, Элекснет, ЕСГП)
Салоны связи Евросеть (инструкция по оплате Европлат), Связной
Банкоматы Мастер-Банка, банка Петрокоммерц
Электронные деньги (VISA QIWI WALLET, Яндекс.Деньги, Webmoney, Деньги@Mail.ru, Единый Кошелек W1)
Система денежных переводов CONTACT
Оплата с баланса мобильного телефона Билайн,МТС, Мегафон
Оплата через интернет-банкинг Faktura.ru, Альфа-Клик, Промсвязьбанк, HandyBank
Once the payment is to open a special page with tickets to be PRINT.
Link to a page with tickets will also be sent to the mail address indicated during registration and will be available until the end of the event.
*** If ordering an error occurred, please try again later or contact technical support payments aggregator "Platron" by phone: +7 (495) 983-32-79. If for some reason the event was canceled, then you can make a refund. In the case of payment by credit card or electronic cash return is made on the same means of payment from which the payment was made. If you pay by other methods return is made via money transfer CONTACT.
Regarding the money-back call +7 (495) 787-45-67.