Макбет: спектакль на английском языке от театра "Flying banana"
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Дата проведения:
Время начала:
20:00 Место проведения:
Большая Никитская, 47/2 Цена билета:
От 1500 руб.
Мартин Кук - один из немногих (если не единственный) британский режиссер, который живет и работает в Москве. Театр "Flying banana" под его руководством ставит оригинальные произведения английских драматургов, адаптированные на современный английский язык.
В труппе театра - российские и американские актеры.
If you have, up until now, avoided the 'Scottish play' for fear of witchcraft, theatrical curses or Shakespearean language, Flying Banana's brand new production of 'Macbet' could be right up your Scottish Street!
Premiering Paul Leonard Murray’s adaptation of the Bard's Caledonian tragedy, the Banana's guarantee a Macbeth like you have never seen before; with music, gags, and just the right amount of murder!
And as if all that were not enough, the language of the original has been brilliantly adapted into modern English!
In the words of Shakespearean scholar David Crystal: "The concept is original and the execution brilliant. This is The Goon show Shakespeare, with all the joy of the former meshed with all the intrigue of the latter".
With Flying Banana and Paul Murray's Silly Shakespeare, there's bound to be a whole cauldron full of hubble-bubble that you won't want to miss!
Directed by Josh Wilson
Tickets available: https://bit.ly/3kgSoqQ